Plenary session
22 November 2021
10:30 a.m. (UTC + 1)
MIRJAM KUHNE: Hello. You can hear me. Good morning, everyone, it's very quiet. It's so weird to speak into a virtual meeting. Good morning, everyone, let's wait a few more minutes, I hope you can all hear me. I had a pit of panic and had to change browsers, but I think it all works fine now.
Let's wait a few more minutes. I see people are still joining. And then we can go. Good morning, Niall.
NIALL O'REILLY: Good morning, everybody.
MIRJAM KUHNE: That's the Vice‑Chair, Niall O'Reilly, and I am the Chair of the RIPE community, Mirjam Kuhne. We had a bit of panic also because Niall's connectivity broke at home but he managed to find a backup. So it's great to see you, Niall.
NIALL O'REILLY: I am glad it's working this well. This is through my phone hot spot, so, you know... it seems it's a cable fault, so they are going to have to get a physical team out to fix it. So unfortunate timing, but that's statistics for you.
MIRJAM KUHNE: Well, feel free to switch off or, you know, whatever feels comfortable.
NIALL O'REILLY: I thought it would be good to greet people at least at the opening of the meeting.
MIRJAM KUHNE: Maybe we can slowly dive into it. Good morning again, everyone. My name is Mirjam Kuhne, I am the RIPE Chair, and this is the fourth online meeting I think we already are performing, it's amazing, time flies.
We had 921 registrations this morning, just not the thousand, so numbers are close to the last ‑‑ the first virtual ‑‑ the last virtual meeting I think last year was quite ‑‑ was higher attended but this is a good number, definitely. And among those we have 182 newcomers that registered. Obviously not everybody is here quite yet, but we'll probably see, you know, numbers increase later during the day, during the Plenary and the Working Group sessions as well.
Just to kind of remind you a bit of our core values and also, as we mentioned last time, we have been starting to think about the RIPE mission, we are looking at the terms of reference of the very first RIPE document, and also our principles of participation and values as a community and I think we mentioned at also one of our updates on RIPE Labs, these are the things that we come up with, and I think you are probably mostly familiar with them, but I wanted to put them down here just as a reminder. We all like subscribe to openness. The RIPE community is open to everybody. Everybody can join. And of course we also welcome people with different backgrounds, expertise, cultures, genders, beliefs and so on and so forth. We also, the RIPE community is also very much based on collaboration, and that's kind of the ‑‑ that's how it all started, people wanted to collaborate and to coordinate certain technical aspects, and it means we also value kind of useful contributions, problem‑solving, purpose‑driven discussions.
We also value transparency, and that's also one reason why we keep, you know, asking people to state their affiliations when they come to the microphone or when they speak up, so we all know who is participating, and finally, and last but not least, is of course integrity, and that's kind of related to also conflicts of interest, you know, participants should be aware of conflicts of interest and deal with it accordingly. Maybe that's specifically relevant also to those of us who have specific roles, for instance like Working Group Chairs and the RIPE Chair, and that you deal with potential conflicts of interest appropriately.
Ultimately, yeah, overall the RIPE community is providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment.
And that's all very much related to our Code of Conduct. This is the ‑‑ we have a new RIPE Code of Conduct which has been published recently as a RIPE document and number 766. This is not the full Code of Conduct. Our old Code of Conduct, that was in place and so the last meeting actually fitted on one screen, but we have updated it and we added more details, and as a community, when I say we, it's actually the RIPE Code of Conduct Task Force, and I'll get to that.
But again, here our values are reflected in this Code of Conduct. They value, like, expertise, the diversity in views and provide and open and respectful environment and exchange of ideas. And also in the Code of Conduct there are some examples, you know, some of good behaviour, and if you have experienced bad behaviour, please call it out and I'll make sure that you are familiar with the RIPE Code of Conduct. You should have seen it when you registered for the RIPE meeting.
Now, I mentioned the RIPE Code of Conduct Task Force. They have put this together in collaboration with the community, and there was consensus among the community to adopt this new Code of Conduct and it's in place now, and it applies to all our communication platforms, including mailing lists and at the meeting, of course, various platforms during the meeting.
The Task Force is now working on the two remaining documents, the composition of the Code of Conduct Team and the reporting process for, you know, violations of Code of Conduct. They have decided not to have NIR sessions during this meeting, they are basically working in the background on this. They are obviously around if you would like to speak to any of them, here are their pictures, you can find them online.
Now, even though I just said we don't have a Code of Conduct team in place yet, we are very fortunate that the existing trusted contacts, Rob Evans and Vesna Manojlovic have agreed to stay on in their role as trusted contacts for this meeting, so should you experience that you don't like, or you feel a kind of mistreated, please do not hesitate to contact them at trusted contacts [at] ripe [dot] net, they are fully trained in their roles, and they can also set up confidential communications channels with you and, in general, all communications is confidential that you and they are having.
So, we hope that they won't receive any reports during the week, but feel free to contact them if anything is not right.
Now, talking about the RIPE meeting week. This is the overview. This is the meeting plan. Today, we have mostly Plenary sessions. Then, in the afternoon, we'll have a social event, I'll get back to that. We only have one BoF during this week, on Tuesday, and ‑‑ on Tuesday to Thursday there are Working Group sessions, Friday morning there is a ‑‑ there is the Community Plenary. And I would also like to make you aware that the General Meeting has been moved upwards, so it's a bit earlier in the day, it also means that the RIPE NCC Services Working Group group starts earlier in the day. Those of you who are members of the RIPE NCC and would like to join the General Meeting on Wednesday, that's for members only, but the RIPE NCC Services Working Group, just before that, is obviously open to anybody who wants to, you know, get involved in NCC or wants to know more about NCC Services in particular.
And we'll keep you updated during the week about any interesting sessions that come up. And so the RIPE Programme Committee, the RIPE PC, is mostly responsible for the Plenary sessions during the week, so mostly ‑‑ like today's Plenary sessions. They have put together this programme, and I think they have put together another really interesting and diverse agenda. So I'm really looking forward to the Plenary sessions.
There will also be elections again this time. I believe Dmitry's and Pavel's seat ‑‑ terms will end and there are two slots open here, and we have elections during the week. And you can still nominate yourself or somebody else until tomorrow, and then the voting starts Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The results will then be announced on Friday during the Closing Plenary, and there is more information about what it means to be on the Programme Committee, what your responsibilities are, what the role is and you can also find information about the existing members of the Programme Committee that I just showed you on the screen.
The other part of the RIPE meeting is, as I say, you know, covered or filled by Working Group sessions. We have 12 Working Groups at the moment and here are all the Working Group co‑chairs of all of these Working Groups. In the real world, you would recognise them by their yellow badges, but here you just kind of have to see them, you know, as they open their Working Group sessions and you will see them around during the week.
A number of Working Groups have currently selections for new or additional co‑chairs going on, so you might see new faces towards the end of the week.
I just want to mention some highlights during the week that I kind of picked out that will, you know, be relevant and are topics that come up during the week. I'm really pleased that we have another Rob Blokzijl Award opening. That will be announced during the Community Plenary on Thursday morning. For those of you who don't know what that is, you will hear about it then. Rob Blokzijl used to be the Chair of the RIPE community for the first 25 years of its existence, and there is an award in his name. And you can find out more later in the week.
We also have a revised version of our Policy Development Process document that I have published on the RIPE list a couple of weeks ago, and we'll use this RIPE meeting also to gather more feedback and it's also on the agenda of the Community Plenary on Thursday, and then, after the meeting, I hope we can issue a last call ‑‑ a consensus call on the RIPE list, and we'll have a new PDP in place hopefully sometime after the meeting.
Another topic that will I think accompany us throughout the week is the final report of the Ripe Database Requirements Task Force, which has been published as RIPE‑767 in the last few days, and the members of the task force will present various parts, or various recommendations of the report in the relevant Working Groups throughout the week, and there, we will pull it all together also during the Community Plenary on Thursday.
So look out for this in various Working Groups.
I have also noticed a number of kind of government initiatives, or, of course, you know, it continues interest to governments in the Internet, and we have seen discussion on the DNS Working Group about DNS For You. There will be presentations in the Cooperation Working Group, and there is also a presentation during the Plenary on like a sort of an Internet developments and attempts.
Another kind of maybe unusual topic, you know, for our agenda is a study on our community culture, which I think will be happening this afternoon, which I am also looking forward to, it's a research ‑‑ it's an actual academic study mostly based on the culture of the IETF, but it can also be translated into our RIPE community, so we'll hear more about that, and there are topics on sustainability, accessibility, also examples from other regions that I find interesting and looking forward to, and a number of research and measurements topics also during the Working Groups. So there is quite a diverse, you know, wide scope ‑‑ you know, diverse topics during this week which I really like.
Another thing that we, as a community, do is we elect or ‑‑ we do elect members to the Number Resource Organisation Numbering Council and that's the organisation that also takes ‑‑ or that's the group that also takes the role of the Address Supporting Organisations Address Council, which is a representative in the ICANN community, and they also are responsible for, you know, appointing two seats on the ICANN board, and there are elections for the third ‑‑ for a third seat on the Council this week, and Nurani's term is ending and there are four candidates, you can find more on this in the link there on the slide, and there is also ‑‑ there is a presentation in the Address Policy Working Group which has already been pre‑recorded where you can watch where the four new candidates are introducing themselves, and then you can make up your mind and vote for them during the week and also the results will be presented on Friday morning. And I would like to use this opportunity again to thank Nurani very much for the work that she's been doing on this committee and how she has always represented our community very well and always reported back to us, which is an important part of this work.
And, of course, the RIPE meeting would not be a RIPE meeting without social events, so we'll have a number of social events on SpatialChat, our social platform. There is one this afternoon, I mean they are also open during the coffee break, so you can use the platform during the coffee breaks, and ‑‑ but there is an event this afternoon, it's what we call 'Time to Talk', where we will have multiple rooms and it especially may be interesting for newcomers, because we hope it will make it easier for you to get to know some of us kind of oldies in the RIPE community a bit better, so we'll have multiple rooms with, you know, people from the Working Groups, the Working Group Chairs, the RIPE NCC Executive Board, the RIPE Chair team like myself and Niall, the Programme Committee, so you can hop around and get to know us all a bit better, and, of course, we also have an overall, like, reception area where we can all mingle afterwards.
On Thursday, there will be a RIPE dinner with the theme of a murder mystery. And there will also be some activities during the breaks that will be fun, I think.
Last but not least, thank you to our sponsors, they make it possible for us to further develop these meeting platforms that we are using like Meetecho and SpatialChat. So this time we have AMS‑IX, NTT, IPv4Mall IPv4 Broker. So thank you very much for supporting us.
And just so, you know, again, who we are. Niall and myself, here are our contact details, our e‑mail address. If there is anything during the week, find us on SpatialChat, or send us an e‑mail, and then we are happy to answer your questions.
I don't have a question slide here because I thought it might be helpful ‑‑ there is a question already, but the next speaker is Hisham Ibrahim, the Chief Community Officer of the RIPE NCC, and Hisham will actually walk you through some of the some of the more logistical and housekeeping information for the RIPE meeting and so maybe some of the questions will be answered by Hisham. Otherwise we'll have sometime at the end to answer some more questions, I hope.
HISHAM IBRAHIM: Hello. Thank you for that, Mirjam, and welcome everybody to RIPE 83. I am now trying to pull up the slides.
Yes, as Mirjam mentioned, this is our fourth online virtual meeting. So, a lot of you will be familiar with this but we still felt that it is useful to walk you through some of the housekeeping and logistical items that are here.
Our events team has put a lot of effort into trying to assimilate the RIPE meeting feel for you, and you will see some of that in a couple of seconds here.
First, as you probably all know by now, we have the platform that we have been using for the past three meetings and for this one as well, our platform of choice is Meetecho, and it does require you to be registered for the event, the unique URL that you have is ‑‑ will get you access to all the different sessions and is unique to you, that's how your name shows up to us and we know who you are. So, please, bookmark that or keep that handy for you to be able to use that for the whole event.
Now, similar to the RIPE meetings, the IRL RIPE meetings, we have livestream capabilities, we have the stenography capabilities, we also allow for chat and questions and answers, so trying to give you all the different to interact with the different presentations and presenters as you would probably in a real life RIPE meeting.
However if you are not on Meetecho, then you still can follow the meeting itself. It's being live‑streamed on the RIPE 83 website, but we also are doing that on YouTube as well. However, in that case, what you do have access to is the live‑stream and the stenography. You do not have access to chat or asking questions there.
The sessions, as always, are being record and they will be uploaded onto the RIPE 83 website for archives.
Now, walking you through some of the tools here. I can, by now, after two years of doing virtual meetings, we are all experts in these kind of tools.
You can see on the left side of your screen here that there are audio and video icons, like the ones on the slide. These allow you to request to either do an audio intervention or turn on your camera, that would be great as well. However, if you are not feeling on doing either an audio or a video intervention, you can still put your questions where the question mark is and then somebody will read them out, whether it's the chat monitor or the operator of the session themselves.
Stenography, as I mentioned, is available, so you can follow and read along and pick up something that you missed as we went. The chat capabilities are there as well to allow you to chat amongst the different participants.
There are, I think, a couple of polls that are planned throughout the meeting and the icon is quite obvious there.
And the last one is the participations list that shows you who is participating, and, as of now, there is 277 people in the room.
Now, also, part of a RIPE meeting is also ‑‑ or part of attending any meeting, in fact, a big component for that is the social aspect of that, the networking, the getting to have the corridor chats, and again the events team have been working very hard on trying to assimilate that as well to provide the opportunities to do so. So, we do have again this year, SpatialChat, which seems to be very popular. It is open all day and we will be having virtual coffee breaks there.
We also have the networking app that allows you to schedule meetings with other attendees, and you can get the full list of attendees from the website.
You will also be able to chat with them like I mentioned in the previous slides.
Register to vote. So Mirjam had mentioned a couple of elections. We have the NRO election, we also have PC elections coming up as well. Now, for you to be able to do that, either you log in to your RIPE access accounts and that way we know who you are. I have been also told that, through the link you have been sent over e‑mail, it would bring you to a personalised page and then you can register for the NRO elections as well.
With that, this is the questions slide that Mirjam did not show that we're putting up now. If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask either myself, Mirjam or someone else at this point.
Thank you very much.
MIRJAM KUHNE: Hi. I just see ‑‑ Erik Bais reminded me to mention that there are pre‑recorded presentations specifically for the Address Policy Working Group, they are already online and you can watch them before the session tomorrow morning, so that will be useful. Are there any other questions? I don't see any. I guess I'm not missing anything here. No questions in the questions and answers room, and no questions on audio.
So, I guess I'll see you in SpatialChat and the coffee break and we'll move over quickly maybe to ‑‑ the Plenary session starts at 11, so there are a few more minutes, you can grab a coffee or another drink and then at 11, or in a few moments ‑‑ four minutes ‑‑ we'll start the Plenary Session, that will be then shared by the Programme Committee as I have introduced earlier on. Oh, I see something is happening in questions and answers!
Yes, Niall reminds me there are other Working Groups also that have pre‑recorded presentations ‑ for instance, in the Database Working Group, there is also one, indeed. Please check the agendas before you join the Working Group sessions because there might be some pre‑recorded presentations that will be good for you to see beforehand.
And with that, we can close this session or we can all just stay on and wait till the next session starts.